14 June 2011

Hold on to your Pants...

...this is the best summer breakfast ever invented. Oh, and it's vegan.

I will start by saying that I hate overnight oats. No matter how many times I make them, I want to gag. I thought it was the fact that they were cold. This has changed that thought.

This is not overnight oats. Nothing like it.

This is ice cream for breakfast. Now, I would never name something "cookie dough" or "ice cream" if it tasted anything less than the real thing. Dates + cashews + chocolate chips, ground and rolled into balls are delicious but they are NOT cookie dough. That's a Larabar.
This is ice cream.

Well, the texture is not.
But the taste.
Oh, goodness.
Spot on.
(The key is the frozen banana. Do not sub anything else for this....unless it's a scoop of ice cream...which is an idea that I support)


It is important.
I am interrupting my eating of this bowl just to tell you about it.

here we go...

1/2 c oats (rolled or quick)
dash of salt
1/2 tsp sweetener (optional)

2 tsp almond butter (or other nut butter, pb would make it pb ice cream....next time)
1/2 frozen banana
3/4 c almond milk
1 Tbsp Chocolate chips (or ice cream topping of choice. I enjoy pecans as well)
1. Mix first three ingredients in a bowl and then mash in the banana and nut butter. This will make a crumbly paste. (The bananas need to have thawed about 5-10 minutes before this so they are mush-able)
2. Pour almond milk over it and sprinkle on toppings.
Nom time!

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