20 April 2011

Easter Holiday

I may not believe in Jesus zombies but I do believe in bunnies. And long weekends. And spring. And baking.
I made Mama Pea's sugar cookie dough balls into snickerdoodles...
and a few sprinkled ones.
My nails are pretty awesome.

There's a bunny.

09 April 2011

Kittie Wins...or Looses....

For dinner last night I had three glasses of.....
A few stolen......
and a bowl of Euro tart.....
Don't hate.

This is what happens when a hermit socializes with normal people:
Everything on the menu is either NOT vegan (read: turkey and bacon grilled cheese) or fried (or both). And then a really sweet friend buys said hermit frozen yogurt.

I put teddy grahams, boba, and blueberries on my frozen yogurt...and that was a win.

0% nutritional value in my chemical laden dinner? Loose. I went to bed feeling a little funky but proud that I actually socialized.


01 April 2011

Vendredi de Vernis à Ongles_OPI Atomic Orange

Vendredi de Vernis a Ongles = Nail Polish Friday (in French)

Atomic Orange is a creme polish that appears coral in some lights. It is a very wearable orange for daytime and work appropriate.
The orange matches my new cereal bowl from Target.
In the bowl: bran flakes, cheerios, PB filled banana, blueberries, granola sprinkle and almond milk.