20 August 2010

Stepping Away

This morning I had a first. I had overnight oats in a mostly empty nut better jar.
Now, I've had overnight oats before but never in a jar because...well, I've never finished a jar of nut butter. Fats are scary but over the last four months I have finished this jar on my own. And most of that was eaten in the last two months. I will admit that about a cup of it went to baking cookies that I served to other people so...yeah but I have a jar of almond butter that I have eaten about half of so....still, it's progress.
Last night I mixed together:
1/3 c Greek yogurt
1 T unsweetened apple sauce
1/4 mashed banana
1/4 c almond milk
1/2 c oat bran
topped with 1/4 c frozen blueberries
This morning I stirred in some more almond milk and topped with cereal for crunch.
I enjoyed every last bite.

Yesterday I went on an adventure to the park.
I read some Vanity Fair while listening to the news with coffee.
My MP3 player died just before the morning concert :( I was looking forward to some Bach. But that's alright, I relocated and bust out some Larkin.
I read to the trees but they were angry and started raining on me. (yeah, I know trees don't rain.)
I had to take the snack I had packed home.
Frozen Berries act as an ice pack and defrost in time for eating. :)

Lunch was glorious.
Almond cheese and jam sandwich thin with pretzels and one amazing salad.

1 comment:

  1. I just have to start by saying that I love the picture of the feather. Makes me feel all peaceful...

    ... but congrats on finishing the jar of nut butter :) I remember how proud I felt when I finished my very first jar, and it was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. I absolutely love, love, LOVE my nut butters, and I never go a day without them. Fats are GOOD for us, hun, and they make everything taste so much better. So I hope there are plenty more empty nut jars in your future :)
