I've been eating a whole bunch of the same stuff.
I want fruit. I want fruit so badly.
"But you have consumed a lifetime's amount of grapefruit and watermelon lately."
I mean I want my staple, the daily banana back. I also want juicy, fresh summer fruit that is so succulent it would be indecent to eat in public. I want fruit that has juices dripping down my chin as I lean forward, completely engulfed in it's seduction. You follow? Did you blush? Because that's how good a summer peach is.
But for now I don't have that fruit, I did however bring my other recent cravings, nuts and granola.
Third confession, I had two interesting meals but I forgot my camera.
Last night for dinner we ate Indian food. Vegetable Vindaloo. It was so good.
Today for lunch we went to a cafe and I had a salad made of these things:
Mixed baby greens
Blue Cheese
Pine Nuts
With a pear vinaigrette on the side for dippin'.
You may or may not see that salad recreated. I'm leaning towards may. It was freaking delicious.
Also, I have been vigorously reading T.C. Boyle's tantalizing prose in Talk Talk.
Also, it has been hot and humid enough in this kitchen for hot yoga or a sauna or one of those Native American sweat lodges. Today, a fan was moved in here. Awesome.
fruit and granola! i feel like thats all i want!! <3 mmm watermelong.. girl how could u go wrong! love the messiness it makes too hehe <3