26 January 2011

On the Daily

I want to do a post of what I eat regularly. I did my "sugar-free day" post but I haven't talked about my eating habits in a while. Why? Honestly, because I have made so much progress that I hardly think about it anymore. (Alright, so that may be a lie but it certainly doesn't come up in my thoughts while blogging.)

I have come from eating under 500 calories a day, to eating 500 calories a meal. That. Is. Huge.
I honestly don't know how many calories I eat per day. I do KNOW the exact calorie count of each item I eat simply because I remember but I'm not counting anymore. That took MONTHS and has only really held in the past month. I'm not going to tell you how many calories I consume in a day now because I refuse to count them, I'm sorry. But you will be able to SEE the change.

I have made it from this to what you are about to see. I wouldn't even allow myself to spread jam on the whole piece of bread for a PBJ. Now I lay on as much as I want (even if it is sugar free/fruit juice sweetened.)

I documented an ordinary day to show how far I have come.
6:30 AM
I start with a cup of 1/2 caf coffee or hot tea.
7:00 AM
For breakfast I have oatmeal or cereal and fruit (mixed in).
(I added pears to my coca oats as elk suggested. So good!)

11:30 AM-1:00 PM
(depending on classes that day.)
For lunch I usually have a salad or sandwich. (PBJ or veggies and cheese on whole wheat.)
I like something salty/crunchy such as pretzels or chips.I pair tons of veggies with my sandwiches.
I like to eat salads with a protein like cottage cheese or yogurt and a carb/grain.

3:30-4:00 PM
I have a midday snack that is usually completely random.
I enjoy nuts.
Or carrot sticks covered in PB.
Sometimes a naturally sweet Larabar (when I can afford.)
And we all know how much I love nori.

6:00-7:00 PM (depending on what time my snack wears off)
Dinner is usually a bowl of random. I like hot dinners and they require a few key components:
  • Vegetables
  • Protein
  • Grain
I realize this pretty much goes for any meal, but I think about it more for dinner.
I often have a carb-y vegetable such as a potato or squash with dinner.
I think you need a closer look of that delicious caramelization.

I simply roast these cut side down with some olive oil for 30-45 minutes on 425F.

Paired with a grain:
Vegetables, and protein:
Spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, marinara sauce, nooch, parm, and black eyed peas.

I've come a such a long way. I have earned my health back. Honestly, I'm so proud and happy.

1 comment:

  1. your new habits look FABULOUS, i mean the food looks incredibly balanced. ur energy must be starting to sky-rocket or at least it will. i hate to think that i was once in that same spot..500 for the whole day. but now one meal can easily equate that number and we should be nothing but proud of that fact. and i love how you said "i have earned my health back" !! yes you have, and u deserve every bit of that.

    btw your hair is fabulous! so stylish and retro. it adds a fun edge to ur lovely facial features :)

