The medicine put me in a fog. I was still suicidal, I still hated myself, but the medicine made me act on these things less. I could hardly feel anything. I couldn't remember what I read. Literature is my passion. I didn't want to live like this.
When I turned 18 the summer before leaving for college, I make the choice to quit all medications. I haven't gone back. It was the best decision of my life but it hasn't been easy.
Since then I have regulated my diet and included exercise into my life. I haven't had an episode so severe in almost a year. I still have mini freakouts but I am able to control them until I am alone. The one thing that has never dissipated is my hopelessness.
Some of my ups are not like a "normal" person's. I am prone to addiction. If I get a taste of something during an up, it is much more severe than some one else's reaction would be. Pain is my best example.
Most people feel pain, then endorphins help to dull the pain, delivering positive sensations. I feel pain and my endorphins go INSANE. I am in a state of utter euphoria. Pain? What pain? Half an hour later, the high is gone and I feel the pain as "normal" person would but endorphins linger for much longer.
What is this all about? I'm cutting out sugar. I have been breaking down a bit more than I would like lately and so I am making steps to improve myself by what I put into my body.
Here's to a new year. (I'm glad I'm not the only one going Sugar-Free!)
My other goals?
Get all A's
NO binges
NO purges
Less dairy
i love that book so much! ive referred to it so many times. in fact i realize i need to refer to it again and start kicking my sweet potato habit.. again.. lol <3