Well, I know I said that today I was going to eat six small meals throughout the day but that didn't happen. Do you know how much time it takes to eat? (Eh. the mayhem in my mouth may have something to do with that.) Today I ate completely intuitively. I had planned on eating something between breakfast and lunch since breakfast was half of what I usually eat but I was just not hungry until lunch time. I went with my instincts. The plan was then to eat 1-2 small somethings between lunch and dinner but I ended up going to some stores with my mom. From the craft store: I got sequins and beads to practice the beading that mom taught me and some cup cakein' glitter! Ohhh yeah. From a local shop that has the best deals on stainless steel body jewelry (and usually gives me a discount if I look cute but my mom paid.) Nose studs, 16g earrings/potential septum ring From the grocery store: A (fucking adorable) baby toothbrush. Small for dodging open sores :( Because of her foot, I pushed her around in a wheelchair for three hours, haha. Oh, did I mention I wore heels today? Yeah...so I was beat when I got home. When I'm tired I'm not hungry but usually need food, I followed my intuition and ate a "meal." I felt much better after my snacky meal of cottage cheese, butterscotch chips (that I had to eat around-too hard), and Nutella.
About two and a half hours later, my intuition (and my dad's microwaving) told me it was dinnertime. This is the Annie's cheese ravioli. This was the second time I have eaten it, one can is two servings. It's good. Very Chef Boyardee but better for you. (the actual family's name is spelled Boiardi. Makes sense, huh?)
I had dessert because my intuition told me I needed fruit and calories (seriously, my counts have been crazy low but it's so hard to eat.) Isn't it pretty? It was prettier than that, actually. It's 1/4c rice dream vanilla ice cream, 1/4c frozen berries, and a couple mini chocolate chips that my intuition should have told me was a bad idea. Okay, it did, I just didn't listen. I ate around them.
Yesterday I had a blueberry tart for breakfast: Yeah.....that's what I told myself.
Then I made food for my mother who recently had foot surgery. I can't eat and she can't stand to cook, what a pair we are. I took frozen veggie burgers with whole wheat buns, a frozen veggie corndog, some of my green cookies, baked beans, prepped burger dressings, and a fruit salad in a cleaned out Fage container.
Also for her snackity side: Crackers, pretzels, and berry rice cakes.
She taught me how to sequin/bead while I was over there and today we are going to the craft store to get more stuff for me and some yarn for her to crochet me a blanket. (I've been awaiting for this blanket for years :]).
For lunch I had soup...because it's what I can eat. I had Ezekiel sprouted bread on the side. I will admit, I was an Ezekiel virgin. When I was vegan I wanted to try it but it was too expensive. I got it on sale the other day! I had to do this to it.... and actually that was too difficult to eat so I had to do this: There we go!
For dinner I tried something that I have not had success with before, vegan Mac and Cheese. The last time I tried, I used the recipe that I saw most often. The one with silken tofu and soy sauce. It was horrible. I have had mishaps or surprises in the kitchen (can we say green cookies?) but I haven't burnt anything since I was nine and I have never made something that completely failed. It didn't burn but it was gross. It broke my spirits. I was devastated. It was disgusting and I had made it. I didn't follow my instincts. Well, it's a few weeks later, I had to try again. I had to redeem myself. This time I used a recipe that I liked the look of more, Mac Uncheese.
Better. (Last antibiotic!) This one worked a little more but I have decided that I am going to make my own recipe for it. I'll get back to you on this.
Eating hurts, if you haven't gathered that. I have to wear a retainer to protect the place where they peeled off skin to graph onto my gum line. Every time I chew, the retainer pushes into the big gaping wound so I stop eating midway through a meal if I have to chew.
I have figured out how to fix this problem of not eating enough, I am going to be eating six small meals a day instead of half of three pretty small meals a day. By spreading it out I can tolerate it for the entire amount of food and not get frustrated and so I can get the nutrients I need.
Also, my cat crashed my meal 1 photo shoot: Oatmeal requires too much chewing so that is oat bran.....that's just sad...
Oh goodness, ya'll. Let me tell you: I'm not feelin' the eats. "Whyever not?" Why don't you try eating with this mayhem in your mouth.
So basically I don't want to eat, I don't want to drink, (but I do have a horrible craving to cook.) and I'm feeling weak. I haven't eaten much for the last three days and it's getting to me. I hurt. It hurts to move. I wanted to get back on my bike today because they said I could on the fourth day but I would literally begin to cry right before I passed out if I attempted my regular ride. I did some yoga this morning to stretch out my sore muscles but that is literally all I could do. I also have this mysterious bruise that is very dark purple..? I never had a shot... For breakfast I tried to amp it up: Um....let's pretend that's chocolate covered strawberries....and that there aren't mystery ingredients. (mmm....pillz :/)
Lunch, I did what I could and I got my protein in: Lentil soup and a goji berry Sobe Lifewater.
Snack: I know, gelatin and mystery colors and ingredients. Give me a break, they butchered my mouth.
For dinner I'm planning on eating this: I've never had it before but the ingredient list isn't too bad for canned food. I'll tell you how it goes. I figured I needed a way to add interest to my food. I needed a trip to the store but I really didn't want to get out. When you don't want to get out, it's a pretty good sign that you need to shower and get the hell out of the house so I took a quick trip to the store. I am having trouble hydrating and running out of Lifewater (and it isn't on sale anymore) so I picked up some Powerade. For more hydration motivation I got some tea and for food interest I picked up some Nutella. (my mother pronounces this "Nut-Ella" O.o Needless to say, I don't.) I love tea. I love tea parties. I love everything about tea but with all that love, I only like green and black teas. PG Tips is my go-to black tea. It is rich, sweet, pungent, perfection. But I drink it a lot so I picked this one up, it sounds interesting and it has the sort of tea bag that I prefer-triangle with string. I picked up these cuties. My dad bought a watermelon and I can't really chew it but I love watermelon so I made watermelon berry pops after reading Ten Ingredient Project's post on her watermelon pops. I added one blueberry, blackberry, and raspberry to each pop.
I'm starting to think that other than not getting all the food I need, another reason for my lethargy is the sudden plunge into processed foods that I normally don't eat. I'm going to try and get off the Ensure the day after tomorrow when my antibiotics are up.
Also, who hates Sandra Lee's Money Saving Meals? "Buy bottled lemon juice, it's 15 cents for 2 tablespoons, if you bought a lemon that would be 25 cents!" Is she retarded? Is that what her problem is? I always had issues with Semi Homemade but this one is worse. You know how I save money with my meals? I don't buy three dollar bags of chips but I do buy fresh lemons.
I'll be out for a few days. Why? I got punched in the mouth. No, I'm just kidding. I had gum surgery. I have to wear this retainer because they took skin from the roof of my mouth and graphed it onto my lower gum line. yuk....blood clot.
So, this is my diet for a while: Then add these: By Monday hopefully I can have bread, potatoes, soup, ect.
(Daddy is in the background watching his MotoGP races.)
For Father's Day yesterday I surprised my dad with a Father's Day dinner. I made chicken fajitas. Please don't ridicule me for cooking meat. My father eats meat. It was Father's Day, not Kittie's day. That was Thursday. Yes, I hate handling raw meat but it was a gift. I made the guacamole, pico de gallo, refried beans, and Mexican rice from scratch. I bought a seasoning for the chicken but I ended up adding too much water so I ditched it and made my own.
I don't like seasoning things that I can't taste test but that's the deal when I make meat. Because of that, I have gotten pretty good at smelling how much spice is right for the meat. The boys always like it so that's good. Pico de Gallo Recipe: 5 Roma tomatoes 2 jalapenos 1/2 large onion 1/2 bunch cilantro Juice from 1/2 lime
1. Finely dice tomatoes, jalapeno, and onion. 2. Chop cilantro, discard stems 3. Mix and squeeze over juice of lime
Guacamole recipe: 3 avocados 1 clove garlic, minced 1/2c pico de gallo Juice from 1/2 lime
1. Mash avocados 2. Add garlic and pico ge gallo 3. Mix and add lime juice
Mexican Rice Recipe: 2 tbsp canola oil 1/2 large onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 cups long grain rice 1 can Rotel 1 large tomato, diced 3 cups water 1 vegetable bouillon cube 2 teaspoons ground cumin 1 teaspoon turmeric
1. Heat oil in pot 2. Add onion, cook for 3 minutes 3. Add garlic and rice 4. Cook for 3 minutes 5. Add Rotel, tomatoes, and 1/2 c water. Cook for 2 minutes. 6. Heat remaining 2 1/2c water and dissolve bouillon cube in it. 7. Add the water and spices. 8. Cover and cook for 15 minutes. 9. Turn off heat and let sit covered for 15 minutes.
PLUS: Oh my lord, look what I found for a dollar each at Target!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wolverine, will you be my husband? I don't mind your claws baby and I'll just pretend you're 6'3" instead of 5'3." We can make babies with claws and fangs and sideburns and I'll cook for you on Father's Day....or every day.
Now that that's over.....back to reality....where I only know one guy who even reminds me of Logan and he's short but he has no powers so.....
Yesterday was my birthday party! I ended up having a larger guest list so it wasn't a tea party so much as a tea-inspired party. I got up bright and early to finish a few things. I fueled up with this: 1/4c puffed oats 1/4c Cherios 1/2c Mother's mallow-oats 1/2 Banana + almond butter + chocolate soy milk
Then I pulled the dough I made yesterday out of the fridge and I baked these: I set up the buffet: And the party was ready.
On the Menu: Gollum Grub Vegan sugar cookies Vegan peanut butter cookies Vegan dark chocolate peanut butter cookies Vegan cupcakes
The rubble: I love that I have friends that can devour vegetables. Five teen girls inhaled that vegetable tray and I even re-stocked once. We did put a dent in the baked goods as well, obviously.
This was my outfit: Vest:Pocket watch:With black pinstriped Converse high tops.
My presents: Dishes! in a pretty box! I'm making sushi and serving it on these soon! More owls and Hello Kitty! :D Pretty, pretty jewelry. Kat Von D Sinner perfume and a cupcake compact! I love all of you, thank you so much!
What's that? Oh, you want some recipes for my insanely delicious looking baked goods? sure thing, dearies. Here it goes. The cupcakes I can take no credit for. I used Jennifer's recipe here. I can tell you that these were the best cupcakes that I have ever eaten. Also, these are the prettiest cupcakes that I have ever made. I love cupcakes. They are so cute and adorable and it's insane how much I want a cupcake tattoo. I have never made pretty cupcakes. This time I did, I am very pleased with them. For the sugar cookies I used this recipe as a base. My variations:
They turned out very buttery, lemony and delicious. These are the second type of sugar cookies I have made that tasted delicious but the first that held their shape as they should. Another success. These cookies are all me, however. The peanut butter cookies are the Toadstools with chunky peanut butter instead of almond butter and whole wheat flour instead of white.
Here is the recipe for the Dark chocolate peanut butter cookies: 1/2c Dark Chocolate Dreams peanut butter 1 1/2 tbsp cocoa powder 2 tbsp canola oil 1c sugar 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/3c chocolate soy milk 1c whole wheat flour 1c rolled oats 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp baking soda vegan chocolate chips (I also added Dark Chocolate M&M's, I'm pretty sure these aren't vegan.)
1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees. 2. Grease your cookie sheets. 3. Whisk together the first six ingredients until well combined. 4.Once they are well blended take out another bowl. Combine the flour, oats, salt and baking soda in the new bowl. 5. Add about 1/3 of the dry mixture to the wet mixture at a time. Mix until combined. 6. Add chocolate chips. 7. Drop on to greased cookie sheet. 8. Bake for 8 minutes. 9. Cool for ten minutes then transfer to wire rack.
I'm in college. I'm a vegetarian (who leans on the vegan side) in the South. I read. I write. I observe the stars...because deep down, we're all just a bunch of Wordsworths, here.