"Two birds on a wire.
One tries to fly away and the other
Watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar."
-Regina Spektor, Two Birds
Watches him close from that wire
He says he wants to as well
But he is a liar."
-Regina Spektor, Two Birds
I'm the liar.
So often I drive myself crazy with cabin fever. I confine myself to the house. I've gone up to a week or more without leaving the house. Literally.
Why don't I just go do something? See someone? I have no idea. It would "trow off the day." It would somehow make yesterday different than tomorrow. Um...like that's a bad thing???
I love spontaneity but I am horrible at it. I really have to have it forced on me and I will usually enjoy myself.
This morning I read Maya's latest blog and I am so so so so happy that I did. Here is why:
As I sat down with my post-dinner hot tea and my laptop to write up my blog my cell phone rings. It's my BFF. She's leaving her house soon to get me. We are going to see our two best guy friends. My first instinct was: "it's kinda late." or "Now?" (it was 7:30...yeah...late, Kittie. Reaaalll late.) Instead I took some advice. Let something unplanned happen. I said okay, I'll put on some makeup and we can go.
I feel like this right now:
There is one step I didn't take but I'm really not beating myself up over it. They bought a gallon of ice cream and the four of them sat on a bench and ate it. I didn't. But I don't feel bad other than it made me stand out. Luckily, "it's not vegan." worked just fine. But I did come home to the microwaved Zbar that I was craving (and that cup of hot tea.)
Let's rewind all the way back to this morning. (Seems like days ago.)
I had an Ezekiel cinnamon raisin English muffin...
I am on a craving stomping roll....I've been craving scrambled eggs lately. The texture mostly which is odd for me because I usually hate the texture..?
Dinner was leftovers. I roasted up some romaine hearts to go with the celery for scooping.
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